Dave’s blue do

I'm fundraising for a great cause!

This Blue September I am doing a Blue Do to raise vital funds for Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ who support kiwi men and their families living with prostate cancer. Please support my Blue Do by making a donation to my page. Thanks in advance for your generosity! 

Thank you to my Sponsors




Brendon Walsh


Lara Beveridge

Awesome work Dave!


Jacky Stafford

For 2 very influential men in my life who both had this cancer - my husband and my dad, special men in their own way


Angela Botha


Barb Frey

Thanks for supporting the cause Dave. I know so many men affected by prostate cancer: in my family, at work and among friends. Some are no longer with us, and some of those that still are remain badly affected. Everyone knows someone affected by prostate cancer. Thanks for making a difference Dave !


Nicholas Dine

My man xx


Laura Harris

Proud of you.


Marlen Cabraal


Lynette Down


Amelia Johnson


David Down