We appreciate the efforts of individuals and businesses supporting Blue September through product sales, auctions and point-of-sale donations.
All those profiled here are third party retailers or individual sellers. If you would like to discuss showcasing your product here please Contact Us.
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Proud Sponsor of Blue September, Bakers Delight, is going blue for September, with a special range of blue buns that will be available at all stores throughout the month. Head to the website to find a Bakers Delight Bakery near you so you can grab your bun-dle of blue buns.

Farmers Blue September Magnetic Notepad: Donations can be made Thurs 12th September to Fri 27th September in store and online. 100% of donations go to Prostate Cancer Foundation New Zealand. Size: 4mm x 175mm x 90mm wide.
Shop here: Blue September Magnetic Notepad - Gadgets & Gifts (farmers.co.nz)

Baron Hasselhoff's famous rosemary sea salt caramel chocolate has been shaped into a signature male feature for your enjoyment. All profits will go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation to support research and the 4000 men diagnosed every year in NZ. 6 chocolates in a bag - 120g!

As a prostate cancer survivor Bob is proud to introduce you to hues of lilac blue petals, shift in shades opening with bee friendly stamens on an easy-care plant with few thorns. Repeat flowering with a briar fragrance. Bred in NZ by Bob Matthews. $2 from the sale of each plant will be donated to the Foundation to help raise awareness for men's health.
BLUE SEPTEMBER - Matthews Nurseries Ltd (matthewsroses.co.nz)

Barney, a Wellington artist, sells prints of his unique aquatic fish illustrations inspired by classic New Zealand icons. Two-thirds of these special edition proceeds prints will go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation. These prints are available in A2 sizes on quality paper, with limited editions signed by the artist.
Background and purchase info here: 2024 Blue Fundraising | OneKickDuck

Barney, a Wellington artist, sells prints of his unique aquatic fish illustrations inspired by classic New Zealand icons. Two-thirds of these special edition proceeds prints will go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation. These prints are available in A3 sizes on quality paper, with limited editions signed by the artist.
Background and purchase info here: 2024 Blue Fundraising | OneKickDuck

Barney, a Wellington artist, sells prints of his unique aquatic fish illustrations inspired by classic New Zealand icons. Two-thirds of these special edition proceeds prints will go to the Prostate Cancer Foundation. These prints are available in A4 sizes on quality paper, with limited editions signed by the artist.
Background and purchase info here: 2024 Blue Fundraising | OneKickDuck

Buy any blue Resene testpot between 5-21 September and they will donate $1 to PCFNZ. Offer applies to all Resene blue 60ml testpots (excludes metallic and wood stains) purchased at the normal retail price between 5-21 September 2024 at Resene owned ColorShops. Every blue testpot you buy = a $1 donation to the Prostate Cancer Foundation!
Paint it blue to help a mate through! Blue September (resene.co.nz)

Grab a set of Toyo tyres this month and help us raise funds for Blue September! Like previous years, Toyo Tires NZ are donating $1 per Toyo tyre sold in September to the NZ Prostate Cancer Foundation to raise vital funds and support Kiwi men and their families living with prostate cancer.

Searching for that special birthday or christmas gift for your little one? Head to Pioneer Wooden Toys and browse their toybox! With each sale, they are donating 26%-28% directly to the foundation, making every purchase count towards a great cause.
Super grateful to Pioneer Wooden Toys for their support of PCFNZ. Shop here: Childrens Wooden Toys | Handcrafted NZ Made | Pioneer Wooden Toys (woodntoys.co.nz)

Tradezone Tokoroa have 50% off CRC Parts Cleaner, Giant 840ml can, $18.00 plus gst per can, Special introductory price $9.00 per can plus gst. Every can sold in September, we will give $1.00 to Blue September and Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand. Come in and help us support this worthy cause!

Purchase 300mm Blue Striped Bosspipe via your local PGG Wrightson store and $20 per pipe will be donated to Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ for Blue September.