Chez Barbers swear jar

I'm fundraising for a great cause!

This Blue September I am doing a Blue Do to raise vital funds for Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ who support kiwi men and their families living with prostate cancer. Please support my Blue Do by making a donation to my page. Thanks in advance for your generosity! 

My Updates

Swear (donation) Jar

Friday 30th Aug
I'm raising awareness at chez Barbers for Prostate Cancer during Blue September. 
Billy (my world) has been living with 
stage 4 prostate cancer for the last 4 years.
I have so many conversations with clients and realize how common this is.
Early diagnosis is essential.
Please help by donating in the salon or online and getting yourself, or loved ones tested NOW!! xx

Thank you to my Sponsors


Chez Barbers Clients


Chez Barbers

Collected to date from the very generous clients at CHEZ BARBERS 🙏