Active Southland Keep it Clean Team!

We're fundraising for a great cause!

This Blue September, Active Southland staff are saying something blue to help a mate through. 

We're getting stuck in behind all the prostates out there to support a great cause!

My Updates

Something Blue in Mahuru!

Thursday 5th Sep
Kia ora whānau, I've set the challenge to my colleagues at Active Southland to say nothing Blue in Mahuru! We're a very professional bunch here at Active Southland but between you and me, some of my office mates do cause me to lose my s&@! now and then. The great news now is that when we let something slip during Mahuru we are donating to a fantastic cause. All of our Invercargill and regional offices are on the waka and getting stuck in behind all the prostates out there. We challenge you and your workplaces to get in behind this great cause too!